We will miss you like crazy, but are so glad you are back in our lives...

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years to you!!!!!

Here's wishing you a very happy new year!!!! I wish you could be home to celebrate with me, but just know that I am thinking about you. At least I can say that I will see you in this new year!!! :) And that makes me very happy! Hopefully this time next year, we will be beginning anew, together. I see really good things happening to both of us in the next few years! So that means you better stay safe over there so you don't make a liar out of me...lol....I love you with all my heart and soul! Muah!

1 comment:

  1. I will not make a liar out of you my love! I cant wait to talk to you about those good things that you see happening to us. I see good things too, I can't believe how strong are bond is. Your gonna be my wife one day I just know it
