We will miss you like crazy, but are so glad you are back in our lives...

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I miss you already. You are getting closer to your destination, but I just want you back here. Today was horrible. The kids at school were assholes, and I could have just walked out and took a personal day and wouldn't have looked back. I wish last night did not have to end. It hit me this morning when I woke up I won't see you again for a very long time. I just wonder why it didn't hit me until then. Maybe that was God's way of making it easier on you and I last night. We were able to enjoy a great day and be with each other, without sadness, but more laughter and smiles to give to each other. I love you so much, and hope you are getting a little sleep on the bus. I hope tomorrow is a lot better for me. Today might have sucked, but it is over now, and all I can wish for is a better Friday. Miss you tons, and wish I could give you a kiss and be in your arms right now.....but I can't, so I guess I will do notes. Yuck. Muah.

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