We will miss you like crazy, but are so glad you are back in our lives...

Monday, December 6, 2010


It is soooo cold outside!!! But in just a few short months, we will hopefully be able to enjoy this (see above picture)!!! :) I love you so much and miss you more each minute of each day. It hasn't been but 5 days since I have seen you, but it seems like forever already. I know you are a little down tonight, but hopefully you can cheer up soon. And as for my motivation, it is to be happier and healthier for when you get home. That way I can be myself again, and we can build on a beautiful, lasting relationship. So, if you can find that same motivation, then I think we will be good. Just remember how good working out makes you feel about yourself. I bet when you get overseas you will have time to start working out again. And if they don't give you that time, make it for yourself. I love you and think about you often. Muah!!! :)

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