We will miss you like crazy, but are so glad you are back in our lives...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

It may take a while...but it will get here.

It may seem really far away, but the finish line will be seen in the distance before you and I know it. I know we can do this. We have to believe in each other and work on our issues while we can. That way we can spend time when you get home being normal and not so "screwed up" like we were last time. I know you are really stressed out. I hate it for you. I really hope things start letting up for you sometime soon. I hate knowing that you are feeling like you are. Don't worry about me here. I will be fine. I have been through this before. My life will not stop. I will continue working and being Dylan's mom. I will (as I already do) miss you like crazy, but what can I do....nothing. I can just count down the days until you get home. Hopefully, after you get back, this going off for a year shit will stop. I love you and hope you have a good night. You know I am not feeling well, but if it continues I will go to the doctor next week. I know what they will want to do...an MRI. I can't afford it and that is why I think it will be a wasted trip to the doctor. But I will. With my health history, headaches and dizziness, along with confusion is never a good sign. Have a good night. Miss you.

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