We will miss you like crazy, but are so glad you are back in our lives...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bad girlfriend...:(

Gosh, it has been over a month since I last did a blog post for you. What a horrible girlfriend I am. I am so ashamed. Well, anyways, I am so glad that I was able to talk to you this morning. It was very nice hearing your voice. I could get used to doing that at least once a week. If not, then maybe every other week. I know you will probably want to use your morale calls for others besides me, and that is okay. I totally understand. But I will take what time I can get. It has been a pretty worthless day for me. It is 745 and I still have done no notes. I guess that is what happens when you just don't care anymore. My computer system for work can eat shit. CCS can eat shit for that matter. But I have a job, so I really can't complain. I am so proud of you for your savings. That is so great to hear. I know it makes you feel good that you have already saved that much. Now if I can keep you from breaking up with me for those five days and you dropping 20k on a ridiculous motorcycle....:)

1 comment:

  1. Baby your not a bad gf, your insanely busy one. It ws very nice hearing your voice even if you was miss grumpy pants when I first called. The conversation quickly switched gears and was very very pleasant and much needed. I wish I had more time to talk I even thought about trying to find the last 4 of some soldiers that are not on leave so I could talk more lol. As for the bike I wouldn't do that, could you see me wanting yet another car/bike payment? Negative! I wish there was a way that I didnt have to buy a new vehicle, but I know the need is very much there.
