We will miss you like crazy, but are so glad you are back in our lives...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What a day!!! (I think for both of us...)

Wow! What a day!!! I never thought it would end. I woke up late for starters. Got to work finally. All day long the kids were asses. They are adjusting for Christmas break a few days early I assume. I didn't take my xanax until noon, so my nerves were shot by 8:30. It was so crazy! I totally forgot to do my timesheet, those damn purchase requests had to be done by the time I left today. Tara and I couldn't figure them out, so it was that much more stressful! I have never been so stressed over a stupid Christmas program as I am right now! We finally got them done, but who knows if they are right! lol...The potluck we had was nice....I actually got to bring home most of the potatoes I made because another teacher made a big ass pot of them at school. (but everyone that ate mine said they were the best) :) I didn't get to work out again today because I got home too late. My sister is stressing me out about Christmas Eve with my dad again, but I think my dad and I finally got it figured out (this coming Monday) and Dylan's dad is okay with bringing him down so we can celebrate Christmas Eve with my dad and stepmom early. Hopefully my sister won't change her plans....(which is very well possible) Well, I am talking to you right now on the phone, so I guess I will end this here. I love you so much and miss you even more. I hope you have sweet dreams. Muah!!!

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